Friday, September 4, 2020

Social Security Essay Example

Government managed savings Essay Example Government managed savings Essay Government managed savings Essay In 1935, alongside Social Security, the Federal Government set up the Aid to Families with Dependent Children Program (AFDC). This program offered cash to the state to assist helpless families with fundamental necessities. After some time many idea this program was making an underclass of poor and giving negative motivating forces to work among poor people. In 1990s this program turned into a convenient issue and it was supplanted in 1996 with another, marginally unique one. The program, Temporary Assistance for the Needy Families (TANF) appeared as a square award to the states to assist them with managing destitution. Significant Moral enthusiasm for any strategies is the case that one can never put a cost on a human life; and that we as a whole should address everybody’s necessities and government assistance. Furthermore, everybody has the privilege to be entitled of these advantages. In acknowledgment of these significant good interests, society has a commitment to put extensive incentive on human life, to set up an arrangement of equity that serves well however many people as could reasonably be expected, and to give as wide a variety of social open doors as conceivable to permit singular people to augment selfâ ­ acknowledgment. However it is ridiculous to raise these significant good interests to the most elevated level of social commitment  ­that is, to fundamental standards of social approach.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Socratic Seminar Questions Tkam

Period 6 Nieto Socratic Seminar Questions TKAM1) Discuss Atticus’s child rearing style. What is his relationship to his youngsters like? How can he try to ingrain still, small voice in them? a. Atticus is an astute man, focused on equity and uniformity, and his child rearing style depends on cultivating these ethics in his childrenâ€he even urges Jem and Scout to call him â€Å"Atticus† with the goal that they can collaborate on terms as equivalent as could be expected under the circumstances. All through the novel, Atticus attempts to create Scout’s and Jem’s particular still, small voices, through both instructing, as when he advises Scout to place herself in a person’s shoes under the watchful eye of she makes a decision about them. 2) Analyze the preliminary scene and its relationship to the remainder of the novel. b. To Kill a Mockingbird investigates the inquiries of guiltlessness and brutal experience, great and fiendishness, from a few distinct edges. Tom Robinson’s preliminary investigates these thoughts by inspecting the shrewdness of racial preference, its capacity to harm an in any case outstanding Southern town and devastate a guiltless man, and its impact on youthful Jem and Scout. 3) Discuss the author’s depiction of the dark network and the characters of Calpurnia and Tom Robinson. Is it accurate to say that they are sensible or admired? c. The dark network in Maycomb is very admired, particularly in the scenes at the dark church and in the â€Å"colored balcony† during the preliminary. Lee’s depiction of the dark network isn’t ridiculous or unfathomable; it is imperative to bring up, in any case, that she underlines the entirety of the great characteristics of the network while never calling attention to any of the awful ones. The dark network is demonstrated to be cherishing, tender, inviting, devout, legit, persevering, and affectionate. Calpurnia and Tom, individuals from this network, have noteworthy respect and good mental fortitude. 4) Explain why Jem crys when the gap in the tree is loaded up with concrete? d. Boo Radley utilizes the knothole in the tree to leave presents for Jem and his sister Scout. This is his best way to interface with them as he keeps himself separated in the house. Seeing Mr Radley fill the gap with concrete resembles filling in the opening between their two universes and Jem is dismal to lose this connection. 5) When is Scout originally presented to â€Å"the genuine world† of bigotry and imbalance? e. Section 10 when Cecil Jacobs discusses niggers and when she gets in the battle with fransis 6) Although Atticus didn't need his kids in court, he guards Jem's entitlement to recognize what has occurred. Clarify, in your own words, Atticus' purposes behind this f. Atticus feels that the grown-ups have made the world how it is and the youngsters need to figure out how to live in that world. They can’t escape it and should be presented to it as right on time as could reasonably be expected. 7) Miss Maudie discloses to Jem that â€Å"things are never as awful as they appear. † What reasons does she give for this view? g. She names the entirety of the individuals who helped Tom Robinson, for example, the dark network, Atticus, and Judge Taylor. 8) Why does Bob Ewell feel so furious with Atticus? Do you think his danger is a genuine one, and in what manner may he attempt to â€Å"get† Atticus? h. He feels Atticus made him look terrible before the whole town. This danger was intended to get a response from Atticus; notwithstanding, Atticus simply kept his head up. 9) What do you think about Atticus' response to Bob Ewell's test? Would it be a good idea for him to have disregarded Bob, fought back or accomplished something different? I. He made the best decision by leaving. Weave was searching for a battle and Atticus wouldn’t offer it to him. 10) What does Atticus explain to Scout regarding why the jury took such a long time to convict Tom? j. He discloses to her that a Cunningham was on the jury and didn’t need to convict. The jury really needed to consider the conviction before they did it on the grounds that the case depended on simply conditional proof. 11) Why does Aunt Alexandra acknowledge that the Cunninghams might be acceptable however are not â€Å"our sort of folks†? Do you imagine that individuals should blend just in with others of a similar social class? k. She reveals to Scout that they are not individuals that the Finch family should connect with on the grounds that they are lower class. Individuals ought to have the option to associate with whoever they need, regardless of whether they are in an alternate social class. 12) Compare the responses of Miss Maudie and different women when Scout says she is wearing her â€Å"britches† under her dress. l. Miss Maudie pays attention to Scout and possibly giggles at Scout when she plans to be amusing. Different women decide to ridicule Scout. 13) How, in this section, do we rethink Aunt Alexandra? How does Miss Maudie bolster her? m. Auntie Alexandra shows worry for Atticus and Tom. Miss Maudie gives her a motivational speech and gets her to return to the gathering. 14) Explain the differentiation Scout draws between the court where Tom was attempted and â€Å"the mystery courts of men's hearts†. How are hearts like courts? n. In a genuine courtroom everybody ought to get a reasonable preliminary, yet people’s hearts are not directed by law; they are directed by feeling. 15) In her exercise on Hitler, Miss Gates says that â€Å"we (American individuals) don't put stock in oppressing anyone†. What appears to be odd to the peruser about this case? o. The town just mistreated a dark man for being dark. He was indicted and condemned to death with no genuine proof.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Mentorship program Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Mentorship program - Research Paper Example Salami (2010) introduced both formal and casual mentorship as showing adequate viability in diminishing turnovers of medical attendants, where the previous is made through authoritative association, while the last is through unstructured shared comprehension. Barely, the paper adjusts formal tutoring program as goals to high turnovers in The Jackson Veteran Health Administration (JVHA). A few stages are compactly followed to decide by and large dependence and suitability of proposed structure. General Steps in Implementation On mentorship program in JVHA, angles on work fulfillment and social association in careful wards are examined. Complete task draft requires consensual endorsement from the Office of Policy and Planning and Office of Human Resource and Administration before continuing (United States Department of Veterans Affairs, 2010). The program is likewise to get money related and authoritative help through this office in like manner (Canadian Nurses Association, 2004). As t he general subtleties of the program are easily arranged out, the arrangement is prepared for pilot usage. With 1-year tutor program, stages direction, preparing, and assessment are performed. The board of trustees in-control plans for coaching assignments ahead, with 16 staff nurture as tutors for the entire three work shifts- - the quantity of mentees rely upon work opening in careful ward (VA medical clinic, 2011). In direction, the program is broadly presented and utilitarian desires are commonly settled. This goes on for 15-20 weeks, as starting hypotheses and commonsense nursing applications are checked on and applied. In preparing, guides fill in as mentees’ dynamic accomplices and bolster them in clinical practice and social connections. As preparing continues, tutors not just go about as good examples for mentees to copy, believing affiliations support mentees’ mental status. Through long periods of shared association, tutors step by step wean as instructive m entor, and more as alluded manual for training. Intermittently, correspondence designs from attendants to included authoritative faculty are kept up through consistent investigations and composed notices. In assessment, gathered information decides if the program satisfied the parameters on work fulfillment. Should results meet anticipated results, the program can continue as formal approach in JVHA. Asset Identification Availability of assets in clinical zones is a piece of preliminary errand. Square, Claffey, Korow, and McCaffrey (2005) stressed tutors as prime pointer in a positive workplace. They are told on â€Å"phases of a coach relationship, how to individualize the with any issues the tutor/mentee pair encounters,† while checking on close to home and expert mentalities (Hurst and Koplin-Baucum, 2005). Along with coaches, managerial work force unbiasedly screen the advancement of the program and presence of helpful utilitarian condition (Al-Hussami , 2008). Assets are made out of materials during data crusades and wordy post-tests. Composed polls are controlled, requiring loads of paper for recreating duplicates. Adequately, assets for experiential learning are as of now accessible in real settings, from clinical types of gear to tolerant graphs, just as gathering lobbies for planned gatherings. Beside coach pay (least of $2/hour) and insignificant instructive consumptions, anticipated use is lesser (Almada, Carafoli, Flattery, French, and

Report on Business Level Strategy Free Essays

BUSINESS LEVEL STRATEGY Any given association may contain various organizations. Each working in particular markets and serving various clients. A market is characterized by request conditions and dependent on an organization’s clients and potential clients. We will compose a custom article test on Report on Business Level Strategy or on the other hand any comparative point just for you Request Now Industry is dictated by gracefully conditions and dependent on creation innovation. Business level technique is a methods for isolating out and figuring a serious methodology at the degree of individual specialty unit. This is some of the time alluded to as a Strategic Business Unit (SBU). A Strategic Business Unit is an unmistakable piece of an association which centers upon a specific market or markets for its items and administrations. The parent organization sets the in general or corporate methodology. The job of the specialty unit is to devise a system which permits it to contend effectively in the commercial center and to add to the corporate procedure. Conventional STRATEGY A manageable upper hand is tied in with performing various exercises or performing comparable exercises in an alternate manners. At the end of the day, the firm should be fit for delivering an incentive for the client that is perceived as being better than that of its rivals. Michael Porter (1980) created three conventional systems to enable an association to beat equals inside an industry, thus effectively position itself against the five powers. These techniques are alluded to as conventional in light of the fact that they apply to various sorts of associations in various businesses. The first of these three procedures is called Overall Cost Leadership. A cost authority system includes a firm being the most minimal cost maker inside the business. This permits the firm to beat the opponents inside the business since it can charge lower costs and its most reduced cost base despite everything permits it to procure benefit. In actuality, this firm can charge the most reduced cost inside the business which the opponents essentially can't coordinate. In this way, a cost administration technique permits the firm to make unrivaled benefits. A Differentiation Strategy depends on delivering items or administrations which are seen by the clients as one of a kind or unique. A separated item has the chance to meet diverse client needs more intently. The thing that matters is the premise on which the clients are set up to follow through on an excellent cost. Obviously, the expense of creating separation must not exceed the cost being charged. Or then again, put another way, client ought to be set up to address a cost which surpasses the expenses of separation, in this manner permitting the association to gain unrivaled benefits. The third Strategy is alluded to as a Focus Strategy. A Focus Strategy permits an association to focus on a fragment of specialty inside a market. The section might be founded on a specific client gathering, topographical markets, or explicit product offerings. In contrast to generally cost administration and separation procedures which are industry-wide, a center system is planned for serving a specific objective market effectiveness. Instructions to refer to Report on Business Level Strategy, Essay models

Friday, August 21, 2020

Net Realization of a Capital Asset

Question: Compose an exposition on the expense of obtaining and net acknowledgment of a capital resource. Answer: The capital increase can be estimated by the distinction between the expense of obtaining and net acknowledgment of a capital resource. According to Australian Taxation Office there are three alternatives for determining available estimation of capital additions. The Discount technique is utilized for the capital resources that is accepted to be held for over a year. The Residual technique can be utilized for momentary capital resources which are the advantages that are held for not exactly a year at the very latest the date of removal of benefit. The Indexation strategy is pertinent to the benefits as procured before 21st September and accepted to be held for over a year prior to the applicable capital addition charge occasion. Along these lines, capital increase available worth is inferred according to all the strategies (, 2016). Properties that are gained before twentieth September 1985 are excluded: Engine vehicles Repayment of costs for determined wounds Offer of private house property Any collectable bought at a cost under $500. Long haul Capital Loss: Any misfortune from the removal of the drawn out capital resource ought to set up against the salary from the drawn out capital resource and not against the momentary capital increases. Also, the capital misfortune can be conveyed forward on the long haul to a boundless number of subsequent years. Transient Capital Loss: Losses on the momentary capital resource can be set off against both long haul and momentary capital addition under a similar square of benefits. It tends to be conveyed forward to the boundless number of evaluation years. (an) In the given task, Mr. David Solomon sold the two-story expanding on 27th June of the present duty year for $850,000 which was gained by him 30 years back for $ 70,000. The property was initially sold at a sale for which the purchaser paid a store of $85,000 as a development however in this way the equivalent has been relinquished in light of the fact that the purchaser needed more assets to continue with the exchange. Subsequently, under the head Income from different sources, the relinquished sum $85,000 will be available. Count of capital increase NRV $8, 65,000 Forced under the meaning of CST I.E Family home exception Long haul CAPITAL GAIN NIL (b) The star hart painting as procured on twentieth September, 1985 for $ 15,000 was sold at a measure of $ 125,000. Likewise, available estimation of capital addition processed as under: NRV $ 1, 25,000 Less: cost of procurement subject to indexation 15,000*123.4/71.3 $ 25,961 Long haul CAPITAL GAIN $150,961 (c) In the year 2004, the extravagance engine cruiser was purchased for $ 110, 000 which was arranged off to the nearby specialist on the first June of the present duty year for $ 60, 0000. Subsequently, the available estimation of the capital increase would be as per the following: Deals continues $ 60,000 Less: Indexed cost of obtaining $ 110,000 Long haul CAPITAL LOSS $ 50,000 (d) On fifth June, Mr. Solomon had sold his protections in a recently recorded digging venture for $80,000 of the present duty year which were purchased by him on tenth January for $75,000 around the same time. The extra costs were contributed at an obtained measure of $70,000 alongside intrigue $5,000 consequently. Extra costs the offer of protections on buy were and business at $750 and stamp obligation $250. As per Income Tax Assessment Act, enthusiasm on credit isn't a piece of bought cost and along these lines it will not be incorporated (Jin, 2016).Calculation of capital addition according to Income Tax Assessment Act: Deal esteem $ 80,000 Less: cost of procurement $75,000 Less: Brokerage $ 750 Less: stamp obligation $250 Momentary CAPITAL LOSS $ 4,000 Capital increase for the present assessment year Long haul capital increase at a bargain of private house $ NIL Long haul capital misfortune on removal of Boat $ 50,000 Long haul capital increase at a bargain of painting $ 150,961 Momentary capital Gain at a bargain of protections $ 4,000 Long haul CAPITAL GAIN $ 104,961 Further, there has been proof of net capital loss of $10,000 from the deals of the offers from the assessment form of Mr. Dave for the earlier year as of 30th June. Subsequently, as per the arrangement it very well may be balanced with current year long haul capital addition. In this way, Net Long term capital addition for the current year is $ 104,961-$10,000 = $ 94,961 Net capital addition can be estimated as the distinction between misfortunes acquired and benefits earned from the removal of capital resources alongside the modifications for deficit on capital resource conveyed forward from the earlier year. According to the guidelines and standards of ITAA capital increase is certainly not a different expense head and it shapes a piece of surveyed available salary of a citizen. Henceforth, the assessee is required to pay charge on the available estimation of capital addition in the applicable duty evaluation year in which the occasion occurred. From the above computations it has been seen that Mr. Pigeon has earned benefits at a bargain of advantage and is qualified to add to his superannuation support. For this reason Mr. Bird is required to keep up applicable records and archives of the exchanges including buy receipts, reports for enthusiasm on advances, costs brought about for suit expenses, legitimate charges, financier on shares, significant records for fixes and support of benefits and so forth (, 2016). Net capital deficit is determined as a summation of misfortunes brought about from all the capital resources including misfortunes conveyed forward from earlier year. Capital misfortunes are not qualified to be set off from pay of some other heads rather permitted to be conveyed forward to next evaluation years for boundless period and thusly set off from the capital increases showed up in that year. An assessee is qualified to pick the wellspring of capital addition for set off the procured misfortunes yet can't convey forward the misfortune without benefiting the set off standards if the equivalent is accessible. In the event that Mr. Solomon brought about misfortune on capital addition then he would require to sell a greater amount of his benefits or obtaining advance to contribute in his superannuation finance and from that point get a leased city condo. Along these lines, on achieving the time of retirement he could pull back the tax exempt sum from his superannuation reserves (, 2016). Periwinkle Pty Limited, a bath maker is an immediate vender to open which gave vehicle costing $33,000 as far as advantage to one of its representatives, Emma on first May 2015 as she lots of going identified with work. Anyway the use of the vehicle isn't constrained to the utilization of work reason yet for individual use too. The vehicle was utilized to travel 10,000 kilometers for the period first May 2015 to 31st March 2016. Use on fixes has been repaid by the organization at $550. The vehicle stayed unused for 10 days and left at the air terminal just as for 5 days when it was booked for fixes. Further, the organization gave a credit of $500,000 to Emma on 1 September 2015 at a loan cost of 4.45% which she used to purchase an occasion During the present tax collection year, Emma purchased a bath from her manager organization for $1,300 whose cost of creation to the organization was $700 and deals cost for overall population added up to $2,600. Incidental advantage TAX: Fringe advantage assessment can be alluded to as the expense payable on the available estimation of specific advantages gave by the business to his representatives. Incidental advantage duty can be pertinent which are paid by the organization to their workers on non-money advantages or benefits. The following are the sure absolved advantages from incidental advantage charge: Absolved Loans Costs identified with work reason as it were. Advantages of vehicle gave by the organization to representatives on the off chance that it is utilized for just work reason The available estimation of advantages is not exactly $ 300 Migration cost identified with the workers Lodging remittance for the house situated at remote spot. Periphery BENETFIT TAX ARE LIABLE ON Loan, Car, Payment of Expense, Airline, transport, Housing, Property, Car leaving, and Residual. Besides, the Fringe Benefit vehicle is characterized as a vehicle or station wagon, which is utilized to convey under nine travelers or used to convey weight short of what one tons. Be that as it may, if the vehicle is utilized for individual reason and is utilized to give to the worker doesnt fall into the meaning of vehicle as gave in the Act under incidental advantage charge, at that point the benefit would be falling inside the significance of incidental advantage charge and in like manner assessment to be payable by manager on such advantage. Further, on the off chance that on the off chance that the vehicle is accommodated under 3 months, at that point such advantage would not fall under the meaning of incidental advantage and likewise no duty will be assessed. In the current case, vehicle gave to Emma falls under the significance of incidental a dvantage and appropriately, the business is at risk to pay charge on the vehicle remittance gave. In addition, the vehicle ought to be considered for utilizing against individual reason if the equivalent isn't at the premises of the business. The vehicle ought to likewise be considered at the premises of the worker and implied for individual use too. It ought to be noticed that the meaning of the vehicle to be utilized for the broadly useful can be barred if the vehicle is at the workshop for the fixing procedure. Cost Basis strategy By Applying Statutory recipe According to address Base estimation of the vehicle $33,000 Number of days vehicle gave as incidental advantage charge = 335-5 = 333 days Note: Car sent to workshop for fixes and stays unused for 5 days will not be remembered for the estimation of number of days vehicle utilized by Emma for individual reason while number of days vehicle left at the air terminal will be incorporated. The cost premise couldn't be remembered for the Total Days if the keys of the vehicle can be given to the business. The rate would be 20% if the vehicle runs for under 15000 kms during incidental advantage period. Available Value $33000*20%*330/365 $5,967 Periphery BENEIFT TAX $5,417 Treatment of Loan gave by business to Emma at a low pace of intrigue Incidental advantage charge identified with the advance can be assessed when a representative is given a lower rodent

Thursday, August 6, 2020

The Value of Being a Mentor and Mentee

The Value of Being a Mentor and Mentee The University of Illinois  provides  an experience like no other. There are tons of resources here that are willing to help you with anything you need. However, sometimes I find that those who are the most resourceful are my  fellow students. Im on the executive board of the American Advertising Federation, which is the local student advertising club. Its a 500+ member club, which can be a really intimidating number and someone can get lost inside a club with that many members. But, this club is not some ordinary club. The club is home to 11 committees and one of those include the Member Relations Committee. This committee has the mission to help every member feel at home in the club. They set up the mentor/mentee program, and its incredibly successful. There are over 130 people participating in the program this semester! Im currently a mentor in the program and Im having a ton of fun with it. I have two freshman mentees who are interested in finding their fit in the program. I routinely catch up with them for coffee at Starbucks. But more than a mentor, Ive become friends with my two mentees. The Member Relations Committee plans great events for us. We even have a cool speed-dating event coming up where we get to meet the other mentor/mentee pairs, so its another great opportunity to make friends and connect with people who have similar interests. Its important that you find someone you can look up to and get advice from no matter what  club or organization youre a part of. As people get older, they want to give back so its important to take advantage of that and remember that its okay to ask for help and advice because Illini are life-long learners. Be a mentee at Illinois and one day youll be mentoring future Illini! Daniel Class of 2018 I’m an Advertising major in the College of Media. I’m from a northwest suburb of Chicago called Buffalo Grove. I chose Illinois because it was the first university in the entire world to offer an Advertising major, which is pretty cool!

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

9 Practical Ways Young Students Can Prepare for Scholarships Now

3. Pick a HobbyMany scholarship committees want to see that your child is interested in things outside of school or work. Having a hobby on the side such as scrapbooking, painting, hiking, or whatever else your child can think of can also make them more competitive when it comes to applying for scholarships. They dont need to spend tons of time on this but having an answer to what do you do outside of school? can be an important one!4. Get a Part-Time JobCommittees love to see work experience on a students application. A part-time job can include babysitting or helping around the family business, or it can be at a fast food restaurant or local retailer. No matter what the job is, having a part-time gig that makes them some money shows that they take initiative, are responsible and disciplined, all qualities committees like to see.If your child is struggling to come up with ideas, check out this article: 7 High Paying Jobs for College Students High Schoolers5. Get Involved Many students (and parents) assume that they dont need to worry about scholarships until they are getting ready for the senior year. But failing to take action now means winning a scholarship could be more challenging in the future, making it harder to secure enough funds to finish college debt free.In fact, there are a lot of ways younger students can set themselves up for success with scholarships. Heres how your child can get started today.1. Start College and Scholarship Discussions NOWSometimes, it can be hard for your student to focus on activities that will help them land scholarships with going to college feels theoretical. If your conversations refer to getting a degree as an if instead of a when, it makes it feel either optional or like it may not be attainable.Instead of discussing college and scholarship goals like they may not happen, switch up the language to be more definitive. This makes it feel more real (to the both of you) and makes planning seem increasingly cruci al to their success.2. Focus on Good GradesHaving your child keep their grades up can make a big difference come scholarship time. While not every scholarship is based on academic performance, many of them do either focus on it or factor it into the decision-making process.Now, this doesnt mean your child has to maintain a 4.0 GPA their entire lives (though that certainly doesnt hurt), aiming for As and Bs is a smart move. This also gives them a little wiggle room if they are struggling, as it relieves the pressure associated with a perfect GPA, but is often attainable by almost any student who applies themselves.Having good grades also makes it easier to become a member of the National Honor Society and National Junior Honor Society, both of which offer scholarships to members and serve as strong credentials for other scholarship applications.If your childs grades need improvement, check out this article:The Final Stretch: How to Improve Grades Last Minute3. Pick a HobbyMany schola rship committees want to see that your child is interested in things outside of school or work. Having a hobby on the side such as scrapbooking, painting, hiking, or whatever else your child can think of can also make them more competitive when it comes to applying for scholarships. They dont need to spend tons of time on this but having an answer to what do you do outside of school? can be an important one!4. Get a Part-Time JobCommittees love to see work experience on a students application. A part-time job can include babysitting or helping around the family business, or it can be at a fast food restaurant or local retailer. No matter what the job is, having a part-time gig that makes them some money shows that they take initiative, are responsible and disciplined, all qualities committees like to see.If your child is struggling to come up with ideas, check out this article: 7 High Paying Jobs for College Students High Schoolers5. Get InvolvedVolunteering and community service c an be valuable experiences for your child on their own, as it teaches your student the value of helping others and contributing to society. But, the benefits dont end there. Many scholarship committees want to know about volunteer hours and community involvement, with some considering it the deciding factor when it comes time to select who gets the award.The earlier your child starts accruing volunteer hours, the easier it is to hit any minimums that may be stated in the scholarship application requirements. Plus, if they choose a cause they believe in, theyll benefit from the intrinsic rewards of doing the work. And, if they select something that relates to their future career goals, your student could gain valuable experience that can help them land a job down the road.Easy Ways to Build ExperienceToo busy to volunteer?Have your student help an elderly neighbor monthly or weekly.Or try to make it fun so it becomes a priority to your child.You can do so by spinning one of their hob bies into a way to volunteer. For example, some students enjoy magic tricks, playing the guitar, baking, etc. If your child enjoys a hobby like this, they could go to a retirement home or a Ronald McDonald House and do their hobby there to entertain people. This will be a great selling point on an application!Jot Down Their Experiences for Future ScholarshipsMany scholarship essays ask your child to describe an experience theyve had, so taking notes about their accomplishments as they occur can make writing these common application requirements easier.After time has passed, it can be difficult to remember the details about a particular experience, so encourage your student to keep a journal or a computer file (that they back up regularly) that contains quick thoughts and feelings about what theyve achieved or overcome. That way, they can simply refer back to their notes when it comes time to write a winning scholarship essay.Keep Awards and Certificates in a Safe PlaceAny time your child wins an award or receives a certificate, they need to be placed somewhere safe so they can be easily located in the future. This ensures they are readily available when it comes time to apply for scholarships, as many do have designated spots in the application to discuss their prior accomplishments.Keep a paper file in a secure location and consider scanning the documents so you can back them up on a computer. This keeps everything in one place and makes it all highly accessible.6. Explore AP ClassesIf your child is particularly strong in a subject, have them sign up for the advanced placement (AP) version of the class. Not only is the material more advanced, replicating the standards of most colleges, but those who pass the AP exam at the end of the course can earn college credit. This means your student wont need to take those classes in college, shortening the amount of time required to graduate and saving money along the way too. As an added bonus, they may improve your c hilds GPA, as many AP courses count for more than a 4.0 if they get an A in the class.Many high schools offer AP courses for major subjects like English, Science, Math, and History, and the classes are typically part of the core requirements your student must complete while earning their degree, regardless of the degree they choose.The GPA boost can make it easier to land a scholarship while the college credit lessens the total cost of their education, making it worth the effort. Also, by taking an AP class, your child sends a positive message to committees that they are hardworking and dedicated to their education.7. Build Up Trusted RecommendersThere will come a day, very quickly, when your child needs to ask for a recommendation letter. Building relationships now with teachers, administrators, counselors, coaches and other adults in your childs life will make it much easier when they need a recommendation letter. Each new school year, have your child choose one adult in their lif e that they can foster this type of relationship with.How can they build these relationships?Simply by updating the person on what they accomplish in school or new involvements they pursue. Students can also just drop by and chat with the teachers, administrators or other potential recommenders outside of normal class or meeting times. Opening the doors for a professional relationship will increase the chances of receiving a great recommendation letter, not to mention all they can learn from having this role model in their life.8. Check Out CollegesIf your child has an idea of what they want to major in, then theres no reason not to start discovering which colleges offer the program. During their exploration, they can learn about tuition costs and other expenses, helping them determine how much they may need in scholarships to attend, as well as institutional scholarship and their requirements.While some of these details can change with time, having an initial understanding of what to expect early is incredibly useful and is worth the time commitment.9. Start Scholarship ApplicationsDid you know that not every scholarship is limited only to seniors or current college students? Its true!There are a lot of scholarships out there that younger students can apply for, including some that are limited to those under a particular age or below a specific grade level. That means, if your child waits to start their scholarship search, they could miss out on opportunities that wont be available once they become a senior or get ready to head to college.Getting ahead of the crowd can have a lot of benefits, so theres no reason not to begin exploring the scholarship process today. Plus, by starting early, your student wont be under the same amount of pressure when their senior year arrives, as every dollar scored today is one less they have to worry about tomorrow.Finally, once you and your child are ready to get serious about applying to scholarships, grab a spot to our fre e college scholarship webinar.Its the best resource out there to learn about the process and how to identify opportunities that can help your student avoid debt while pursuing their education!

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Figueroa Surname Meaning and Origin

The Spanish surname Figueroa is a habitational name from any one of several small towns in Galicia, Spain, named Figueroa, from a derivative of figueira, meaning fig tree. Figueroa is the 59th most common Spanish surname. Alternate Surname Spellings: Figuero, Figuera, Figarola, Higueras, Higuero, Higueroa, De Figueroa, Figueres Surname Origin: Spanish Where Do People With the Figueroa Surname Live? While the Figueroa surname originated in Galicia near the border of Spain and Portugal, according to  Forebears  it is no longer as prevalent in that region as it is in many other Spanish-speaking countries. The Figueroa last name ranks 18th in Puerto Rico, 38th in Chile, 47th in Guatemala, 56th in El Salvador, 64th in Argentina, 68th in Honduras, 99th in Venezuela, 105th in Peru and 111th in Mexico. Within Spain, Figueroa is still most prevalent in Galicia, according to WorldNames PublicProfiler.  In the United States, the Figueroa surname is found in greatest numbers in the states of Florida, Texas, California, Arizona, New Mexico, and New York. Famous People With the Figueroa Surname Francisco de Figueroa - 16th century Spanish poetPedro Josà ©Ã‚  Figueroa - Colombian portrait painterCole  Figueroa - MLB 2nd baseman for the Pittsburgh Pirates- Venezuelan television hostPedro de Castro y Figueroa - Spanish viceroy of New SpainJosà ©Ã‚  Figueroa Alcorta - President of Argentina, 1906–1910Francisco  Acuà ±a de Figueroa - Uruguayan poet and writerFernando Figueroa - President of El Salvador, 1907–1911 Genealogy Resources for the Surname Figueroa 100 Most Common Spanish SurnamesHave you ever wondered about your Spanish last name and how it came to be? This article describes common Spanish naming patterns and explores the meaning and origins of 100 common Spanish surnames. How to Research Hispanic HeritageLearn how to get started researching  your Hispanic ancestors, including the basics of family tree research and country-specific organizations, genealogical records, and resources for Spain, Latin America, Mexico, Brazil, the Caribbean, and other Spanish speaking countries. Figueroa Family Crest - Its Not What You ThinkContrary to what you may hear, there is no such thing as a Figueroa family crest or coat of arms for the Figueroa surname.  Coats of arms are granted to individuals, not families, and may rightfully be used only by the uninterrupted male-line descendants of the person to whom the coat of arms was originally granted.   The Figueroa DNA Surname ProjectThe Figueroa Family Project seeks to find common heritage through sharing of information and DNA testing. Any variant spellings of the Figueroa surname are welcome to participate. Figueroa Family Genealogy ForumThis free message board is focused on the descendants of Figueroa ancestors around the world. Search past queries, or post a question of your own. FamilySearch - Figueroa GenealogyAccess over 1.2 million free historical records and lineage-linked family trees posted for the Figueroa surname and its variations on this free genealogy website hosted by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Figueroa Surname Mailing ListThis free mailing list for researchers of the Figueroa surname and its variations includes subscription details and searchable archives of past messages. Hosted by RootsWeb. - Figueroa Genealogy Family HistoryExplore free databases and genealogy links for the last name Figueroa. The Figueroa Genealogy and Family Tree PageBrowse family trees and links to genealogical and historical records for individuals with the last name Figueroa from the website of Genealogy Today.References Cottle, Basil. Penguin Dictionary of Surnames. Baltimore, MD: Penguin Books, 1967. Dorward, David. Scottish Surnames. Collins Celtic (Pocket edition), 1998. Fucilla, Joseph. Our Italian Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 2003. Hanks, Patrick and Flavia Hodges. A Dictionary of Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1989. Hanks, Patrick. Dictionary of American Family Names. Oxford University Press, 2003. Reaney, P.H. A Dictionary of English Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1997. Smith, Elsdon C. American Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 1997.

Monday, May 18, 2020

Science Explains Why You Lose Water Weight

New dieters, especially if theyre eating a low carb diet, see a dramatic initial weight loss ranging from four to 12 pounds in the first week. The initial loss is exciting, but it quickly slows to one or two pounds per week. Youve probably heard this early weight loss is water weight, rather than  fat. Where does water weight come from and why does it drop before fat? Heres the scientific explanation. Key Takeaways: Water Weight Loss On a low carbohydrate diet, the body turns to glycogen as an energy source after it expends glucose. Quick water weight loss occurs when metabolizing glycogen because the process requires water.Eating or drinking excess electrolytes can lead to water retention because the body keeps the water to maintain a set electrolyte balance as part of homeostasis.Dehydration can also lead to water retention. In this situation, the body acts to conserve water when its not being replenished. The Source of Water Weight The early weight loss from a diet can be partly fat, especially if youre exercising and reducing calories, but if youre using more energy than youre replacing as food and drink, the first weight youll lose will be water. Why? Its because the energy source your body turns to once it runs out of its relatively small store ​of ​carbohydrates (sugars) is glycogen. Glycogen is a large molecule made up of a protein core surrounded by glucose subunits. Its  stored in the liver and muscles for use during energy-intensive activities, like running away from danger and supporting the brain when food is scarce. Glycogen can be quickly metabolized to meet the bodys need for glucose, but each gram of glycogen is bound to three to four grams of water. So, if you use up your bodys glycogen stores (as when dieting or with prolonged exercising), a lot of water is released over a short amount of time. It only takes a few days of dieting for glycogen to be expended, so the initial weight loss is dramatic. Loss of water can lead to loss of inches. However, as soon as you eat enough carbohydrates (sugars or starches), your body readily replaces its glycogen stores. This is one reason people often see an initial weight gain immediately after going off a diet, particularly if it was one that restricted carbohydrates. Its not the fat coming back, but you can expect all the water you lost the first couple of days of a diet to return. Other Causes of Water Weight Changes There are many biochemical reactions in the body that affect how much water is stored or released. Natural hormonal fluctuations can have a big impact on water storage. Since the body maintains stable electrolyte levels, losing too much of an electrolyte can leave you dehydrated, while too high of intake can cause you to retain water. Diuretics are chemicals that prompt the release of water. Natural diuretics include any stimulant, such as coffee or tea. These chemicals temporarily alter the natural set point for water retention, causing slight dehydration. Alcohol also acts as a diuretic, potentially causing much greater dehydration because additional water is used to metabolize ethanol. Eating too much sodium (as from salt)  leads to water retention because water is needed to dilute the high level of the electrolyte. Low potassium, another electrolyte, can also cause fluid retention because potassium is used in the mechanism that releases water. Many medications also affect water homeostasis, potentially leading to water weight gain or loss. So do some supplements. For example, dandelion and stinging nettle are natural diuretic herbs. Because water is used for thermoregulation, heavy perspiration, whether it be from exertion or sweating in a sauna, can produce temporary weight loss from dehydration. This weight is immediately replaced after drinking water or other beverages or eating foods that contain water. A surprising cause of water retention is mild dehydration. Because water is critical to so many processes, when its not being replenished at a fast enough rate, conservation mechanisms kick in. Water weight wont be lost until adequate water is being consumed and normal hydration is achieved. After that point, research indicates drinking more water doesnt aid weight loss. Nutrition expert Beth Kitchen (the University of Alabama at Birmingham) conducted research that concluding drinking more water does burn a few more calories, but it wasnt a significant number. Her research also indicated drinking ice-cold water as opposed to room temperature water resulting in an insignificant difference in calories burned and weight lost.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Nuclar Energy Pros Essay - 1157 Words

In our society, nuclear energy has become one of the most criticized forms of energy by the environmentalists. Thus, a look at nuclear energy and the environment and its impact on economic growth. Lewis Munford, an analyst, once wrote, quot;Too much energy is as fatal as too little, hence the regulation of energy input and output not its unlimited expansion, is in fact one of the main laws of life.quot; This is true when dealing with nuclear power. Because our societies structure and processes both depend upon energy, man is searching for the most efficient and cheapest form of energy that can be used on a long term basis. And because we equate power with growth, the more energy that a country uses, -the greater their expected economic†¦show more content†¦Because the energy technology that society employs directly influences the quantity and quality of life, the energy option that is chosen should have the greatest cost- benefit effectiveness as well as maximizing flexibility and purchases. However, those who believe in continuous energy consumption growth, seem to forget that there is only a limited supply of energy in every energy system, and to quot;overdoquot; an y resource may provide for an unacceptable impact upon global and regional ecology. Thus, if the business world pushes the environment as far as it can go, Ceribus Paribus, please refer to figure 1. Thus, to use petroleum as a substitute for uranium, which is needed to power the nuclear system, would not be economically or environmentally sensible. I say this because, first of all, there is a major supply of uranium considering it was one of the last energy sources to be found as well as only a small amount of it is required to produce a lot of energy. Secondly, petroleum gives off carbon monoxide which is one of the reasons for ozone depletion; whereas, the uranium does not give off pollution except that it produces plutonium which needs to be buried for more than fifty years to get rid of its

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Effects Of Smoking On The Smoking - 2594 Words

The Effects of Smoking Smoking remains one of the most prevalent habits in society. The effects of smoking are wide ranging and devastating. Despite having the knowledge of these effects on human health, there has been no significant change in the smoking trends. Smoking involves inhalation of smoke from burnt substances. Some of the substances burned have major effects on the nervous system and the smoker is intoxicated after smoking. An example is marijuana, which has catastrophic effects on the health of the smoker. On the other hand, there is the smoke of tobacco which contains nicotine. Due to the serious health effects of smoking, smoking should be considered a major killer like other major killers, for example Malaria. This paper therefore seeks to take a look at how smoking can be detrimental not only to the smoker but also to those around the person. Smoking is defined as a habit in which a person burns a substance, especially tobacco and then tastes or inhales the smoke pro duced. Smoking is mainly practiced as a means of recreation through which the burning of the substance releases the substance’s active components. In tobacco, the active substance released is nicotine. Tobacco in cigarettes is available in various forms. It is obtainable as industrially manufactured and prepared cigarette rolls, or it could be obtained by hand rolling tobacco on tobacco-rolling paper (Ramà ³n Echeverrà ­a, 2002). There are several reasons why one should quit smoking. SmokingShow MoreRelatedThe Harmful Effects Of Smoking And Smoking1380 Words   |  6 Pagestime they light a smoke. Some of the harmful effects of smoking include various potentially lethal diseases to the smoker and others exposed to secondhand smoke, the sinful addiction caused by a key ingredient in cigarettes, and social issues smoking causes for smokers and their loved ones. Smoking should be prohibited completely because of the harmful physical and social effects it has on smokers and the non-smokers they associate with. First of all, smoking creates a number of health problems for smokersRead MoreThe Effects of Smoking 2118 Words   |  8 PagesSmoking: Effects on Facial Skins Causing more than 400,000 deaths each year, smoking is the leading preventable cause of death in the United States. Additionally, the direct medical costs amount more than $50 billion per year. More people are harmed and killed by smoking every year than they die of alcohol, drug abuse, AIDS, murders, car crashes, fires, and suicides. Cigarette smoke contains over 4,700 chemicals, over 200 poisons, and over 50 human carcinogens. The toxins in cigarette smoke includeRead MoreThe Effects Of Smoking On The Decline Of Smoking Rates1072 Words   |  5 Pagesthat Australia has made significant advances in the decline of smoking rates within the population, with rates falling dramatically since the 1960s to approximately 14% of the population classed as smokers, smoking continues to be a leading cause of preventable illness and de aths in Australia. Worryingly, smoking is attributed to more hospital admissions and deaths than alcohol and illicit drug consumption combined. Unfortunately, smoking claims a staggering 15,500 Australians every year. InternationallyRead MoreThe Effects Of Smoking On The Baby887 Words   |  4 Pagesshort and long term effects it has on their baby? The fact that this is becoming more accepted in today’s world to smoke while pregnant is completely unacceptable. The list of negative effects that smoking while pregnant have on the baby range from premature labor to brain defects. Clinical studies have proven the negative short and long term effects that smoking while pregnant can have on a baby. Smoking while pregnant should be illegal, due to the amount of negative effects it has on the baby.Read MoreThe Poisoning Effects of Smoking1243 Words   |  5 PagesSmoking tobacco has been practiced for years. People worldwide view smoking as a lifestyle and smoked for pleasure an d relaxation. During the 19th century it was considered fashionable to be seen taking a puff from a cigarette. At that time, the world was blind to the negative effects of smoking tobacco. However, during the 20th century, scientific research began and The American Cancer Society began to emphasize the health risks of smoking cigarettes. By 1964 a Surgeon’s General warning wasRead MoreNegative Effects Of Smoking1719 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction Smoking causes 1,300 deaths daily in the U.S., and an estimated 5.6 million pre-mature deaths is expected among American youths18 years and younger due to a smoking-related illness if smoking continues at the current rate (CDC, 2017). According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), there are currently 40 million adult smokers in the U.S. (CDC, 2017), and 763,960 of these residents are from Massachusetts (DPH, 2014). Smoking can cause various kinds of cancer such as those of the cervixRead MoreEffects Of Smoking Essay946 Words   |  4 PagesIntroduction Smoking has become a usual thing in our culture of recent. A person with a cigarette, E-Cigarette, Hookahs and Weed Cigarettes has become the norm in our society: we can see them on the streets, actors smoke in movies, there are also book characters who smoke, we have relatives, friends or someone we look up to who smoke. Starting as mainly as a part of a religious ritual a long time ago, smoking has become a routine thing for us in recent times, not giving thoughts to the many effects of smokingRead MoreThe Negative Effects of Smoking1195 Words   |  5 Pages â€Å"Cigarettes destroy life. Toxic to the body. We are young generation. Confident for non-smokers.† This is motto of the Army Reserve Command to cultivate reserve officer training corps student and other youth to realize the harm of smoking. What is cigarette? cigarette under the Tobacco Act BE 2509 means that the tobacco or flavored tobacco, whether the drug or drugs to dry the compressed mixed or not. Which the cigarettes made with paper or object made instead of paper or dryRead MoreCause And Effect Of Smoking1375 Words   |  6 PagesNow we know the most lifesaving way to prevent this is to quit smoking, but did you know people who are exposed to second hand smoking can also get lung cancer, even though a person quit smoking it may have impacted, the cigarette smoke, into someone else’s body. Cigarette smoke is full of cancer-causing material, called carcinogens, this changes the lung tissue right away. Fundamentally, the human body may be able to restore the damage. With each repeated vulnerability, normal cells that line theRead MoreTobacco Smoking And Its Effects1089 Words   |  5 Pages Tobacco [Name of the Writer] [Name of the Institution] Tobacco Introduction Tobacco smoking is the major preventable cause of illness and mortality in developed countries. Tobacco smoke is a combination of approximately 4,000 toxic chemicals and at least 42 components are associated with cancer. Tobacco Smoking is responsible for 30% of cancer deaths and 90% of deaths from lung cancer (Arnold, 2001). The other cancers related to cigarette use are mouth cancer, larynx, pharynx, esophagus

Why Did People Vote for the Nazi Party Free Essays

Why did people vote for the Nazi party? ~ Young Unemployed Man 1929 I have decided to vote for the Nazi party. Right now our country is in a depression, and our people are suffering from misery and poverty. Adolf Hitler has promised to make our country a better place by overcoming these problems. We will write a custom essay sample on Why Did People Vote for the Nazi Party or any similar topic only for you Order Now His plans for us are so great. He believes in a brighter future for our country. We shall see his dream appearing before our very eyes. In a speech Adolf Hitler gave; he said, â€Å" I’ve made it clear the German nation will be restored only when the German people find their inner strength once more! He believes in our people and our country. He wants the country to become a better place not only for him but also his supporters. He believes he is able to restore our country to its former glory, before World War 2 and the treaty of Versailles. He believes in creating a pure nation, made up of only us Germans. He shows the true weaknesses of democracy. The weaknesses only some people know of, he shows how unorganized and chaotic their business is. He wants to show us that we have made the wrong decisions in the past and that there can be a new future. A future, which will be filled with hope and discipline. This hope helps us to continue on, and look forward to the future. The promises he made goes out to everyone of all classes, but the most important one he made was to give work to the unemployed. Unemployment is the reason why the country is failing. So when the Nazi party is elected I can finally feed my family again, we can keep warm in the winter and maybe even afford little luxuries. The country will no longer be seen as a disappointment but as a haven, for those people like me, who have nothing but a few scrapes to live off of. The Nazi party has made big promises in which I believe will help our country achieve success. Not only that but it will benefit all of us in the country. All other parties’ promises seem like a disappointment in comparision. Those promises are only a minor achievement but our country wants to create power and purity. â€Å"Heil Hitler! † How to cite Why Did People Vote for the Nazi Party, Essay examples

Problems Experienced During Day To Day Lives-Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Problems Experienced During Day To Day Lives? Answer: Introduction This paper is aimed at discussing Internet of Things and its applications in recent times to solve common problems experienced during day to day lives. Internet Of Things or as it is commonly referred to as IOT is the inter-networking of a range of physical devices which are embedded with various electronic devices, sensors, software and have network connectivity capability to enable them to communicate with each other by sending and receiving information. The main objective of IOT is connectivity of devices to enable them to communicate and relay information between themselves. The paper narrows the discussion to one case study which is Automated Car Parking with Empty Slot Detection. Problem definition Cars are becoming an essential part of our lives with a lot of people choosing cars to travel from place to place while doing their different errands. Because of high use of cars by many people within a city parking of the cars has become a major problem where by it is not easy for someone to find a parking slot to park their cars as they go on with their errands. A rising technology management which is being termed as Smart Cities is on the rise where by cities are incorporating technology specifically IOT to solve problems like finding empty slots in a certain area of a city. The Automated Car Parking with Empty Slot detection is the one of the IOT projects that is being used and is still being developed and improved to be used in smart cities. Solution To solve the problem of finding an empty slot the Automatic Car Parking with Empty Slot Detection is a very useful project. The project has been designed to work by enabling users to find an empty slot around the area they are driving at. When the user indicates that they want to park the vehicle, the system starts searching for the nearest empty slot. Parking slots have sensors which are able to send and receive data. So when a broadcast is sent from the car looking for car space it goes to all the sensors in every parking slot near the area. The slot which is empty responds and the car is directed to that specific parking slot. This project is able to work because there is communication of phychology devices to identify which parking slot is not occupied (Automated Parking System, 2015). The following diagram shows a conceptual model of how the system works. Figure 1: Cited From: (Aqraa and Jaber, n.d) page 4 The diagram above demonstrates how the system works. The system unit is the system contained by every paring slot. This unit is installed to detect if there is a car in that parking slot and to relay information to the coordinator which then relays to the server. The coordinator contains an Ethernet module which is ensures interconnectivity with the server so that the user is able to issue a parking request and the server instructs the coordinator to look for an empty slot. For the system unit to detect is there is a car in the parking slot, it uses ultrasonic sensors. The ultrasonic sensors detect any physical objects in the parking slot resembling a vehicle. Thus to avoid miscalculation the sensors are configured to sense a stationary car and the distance of the car from the sensors. This helps eliminate the problem of the sensors detecting a passing car when a parking request is sent. Thus, for the parking slot to be empty, the sensors must show that the car is stationary and that the distance between the sensors and the car indicates that the car is parked (Automated Parking System, 2015). Figure 2: Cited From: (Aqraa and Jaber, n.d) page 8 When using more than one ultrasonic sensor the following issues must be highly considered. Collision of between the sensors and interference between the sensors plays a crucial role to ensure that the two sensors will not affect each other. The reading of the sensors does not happen simultaneously as a sensor is read once at a time. Thus the timing between when the first sensor reads and when the second sensor reads is very crucial. After reading and confirming that the slot is empty information is relayed to the coordinator then to the server and back to the mobile phone of the user who requested to find an empty parking slot. The user can then drive the car to the empty using the directions provided. After the vehicle is parked, then the user can check out by paying for the time the car has been parked there. The system unit has an LCD and a keypad where they are supposed to enter their payment details and the checkout is done. Pros of the system The system has many advantages if implemented to enhance the smart cities project. The following are the pros of the system. The system makes it very easy for drivers to find empty parking slots by just sending a parking request. The system itself is responsible for looking for an empty slot by communicating with the coordinator unit which in turn coordinates with the system units installed in every parking slot and then determining which parking slot is empty. The system makes it very easy to pay for parking because it automatically calculates the time the car has been in the parking and the driver can pay for the parking using a unit just right there in the parking slot. Problems of the system The following are the possible problems with the system. The ultrasonic sensors are not 100 % accurate because they can be affected by external physical conditions thus the system unit might not be very efficient and might provide inaccurate information to the coordinator units. However, this is not a bigger problem as compared to using IR sensors which are very inefficient during daytime (Aqraa and Jaber, n.d). The project by itself is very costly because mainly of the system units installed in every parking slot. Conclusion The automated Car Parking System with Empty Slot Detection is a very viable project to implement in any city wishing to achieve the smart city status. Although it is costly to implement, if implemented it can bring about more benefits thus justifying the cost of the project. References Aqraa, G., Jaber, M. (n.d.). Smart Parking System . Internet Of Things, 1-20. Retrieved August 11, 2017, from Automatic car parking indicator using 8051. (2013, June 6). Retrieved August 11, 2017, Accounting Automated Parking System. (2015, June 28). Retrieved August 11, 2017, from

Friday, May 1, 2020

The Creolization of Old Calabar free essay sample

The business and social interactions of the African and English slave traders created a very different Old Calabar. As the slave trade grew the society quickly started to reflect not only the traditions and values of the Africans but of the English as well. Old Calabar became a New Creolized Calabar†. Was this the direct result of the slave trading? The evidence says yes? The creolization of the African Society of Calabar can clearly be associated with the slave trade by analyzing their language changes, life style changes and political changes as the slave trading became more competitive and economically beneficial. Creolization usually brings to mind the decedents in Louisiana born to the Spanish, French and Haitians before the Civil War. Randy Sparks introduces the idea of creolization as being a way to explain what happened in Old Calabar, but interestingly, he poses the thought that it had little to do with the origin or birth of those involved. Sparks instead introduces historian Ira Berlins idea of the Robin Johns being a kind of Atlantic Creole not because of blood lines but by experiences. Ira Berlins quote is as follows: Familiar with the commerce of the Atlantic, fluent in its new languages, and intimate with its trade and cultures, they were cosmopolitan in the fullest sense. (pg. 4) The Robin Johns were not only fluent in the English language but also in trade language alluded to by Ira Berlin. These various languages developed in areas from Gambia to Cameron and developed as a result of the constant exposure of slave traders to each others languages. The variations spread around the Atlantic Ocean to areas where slave trade was popular from Africa to the Americas to Europe. Sparks describes the languages as a combination of mostly English words having African Grammatical structures. The African leaders in Old Calabar were responsible for the cosmopolitan† like essence of the Robin Robins. The leaders knew that by being more European understanding the European customs and practicing the lifestyle. It gave them the competitive edge over the other African competitors who did not. Joining with the Europeans in the lucrative slave business was an economic gold mine. So, the smart African transformed himself into an image of what they believed made them more appealing to the Europeans. An example of this would be that they ordered and used extravagant products such as English razors, pewter piss pots and mirrors six feet tall. The degree of their creolization is very apparent on pages 11 and 12 of the first chapter. Sparks description of Grandy King George, who was originally known as Ephraim, is filled with the pageantry of both Royal English and African fused together. Sparks describes Grandy King George as he boards the Royal Canoe the day before The Massacre of 1767. Sparks indicates that Grandy King George wore a multicolored robe and red coat trimmed in gold lace, a silk sash thrown over his shoulders. He carried a gold skull headed cane in one hand and a fine ceremonial sword in the other. Under one arm he carried a gold trimmed cocked hat and the ensigns that, as Sparks describes them, blew in the wind, engraved with Grandy King Georges name written in English letters. The Kings name being written in English letters emphasizes the point that the African Slave traders not only spoke the English language, but also had the ability to read and write it. The unique combination of The Kings attire and accessories powerfully displayed his desire to indicate his appreciation for both cultures. The red coat trimmed in gold clearly reflected his admiration of the English Royals, while the skull headed cane, on the other hand, indicated his pride in his African heritage. Sparks seems to save his last description of the King and his surroundings that day as the most obvious fusion of the two cultures. He describes that behind the King, in the center of the canoe, there was a small house painted in bright colors, and on top of the house there were two men loudly playing the drums. There was a canon in the bow of the canoe, and in front of the canon was a man who shook a large bundle of reeds to symbolically ward off obstacles. Again, one could say that the mixing of cultures is self-evident. The canon would have been something purchased from the English, while the spirit man and the men beating the drums would have reflected his African faith. African Politics in the area of Efiks experienced significant change after the slave trade with the English escalated. The economy had been predominantly based on agricultural trade and there was no strong centralized government. Small groups of population approximately 1200 were divided up into Wards and Houses lead by town council Elders and House Elders. As the economy grew, the criteria for qualification as head of house changed from lineage to wealth. Houses became larger, Wards and Towns as well. A stronger governing system was created. The â€Å"Grand Council† was introduced to govern the â€Å"Council of Elders†. The â€Å"Ekpe Society† was created to set standards and create laws for the entire system. Entry into the system was open to all men even slaves as long as the entry fees were paid. The Society had many levels of membership determined by the wealth of the man. The Ekpe Society controlled all trading regulations both slave and agricultural. In addition they controlled the economy. They set prices for goods, enforced debt collection, payment submissions and kept track of inventory. The Ekpe Society even controlled who was responsible for sweeping the streets. The crealization is seen in the change of the African Society governing style from a lineage system to a system influenced more by wealth and requiring strong central government. In conclusion it is clear that the relationship with the English and the huge amounts of capital to be made created a creolized African Society. It changed how they thought about status. They wanted English clothes, razors, mirrors and pewter piss pots. The government became more about money than lineage and last but not least their language changed. An entire language was created around the slave trade.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Umass Lowell Community College Academic Scholarship free essay sample

For me it is neither Of these reasons. Am a former college drop-out who believes can do better than I did. Therefore, my reasons for going back to college are somewhat different than the average person starting college for the first time. Have something to prove to myself. Want to prove that can stay committed to college this time and get a degree. I am starting college after a long hiatus from the world of academics. Dropped out of Hilbert College in Hamburg, New York after one year. School was not the problem.I loved learning. Was just in need of money. For me the part-time job I had at the college cafeteria didnt cut it. I needed a full- time job. My uncle offered me a job at a factory called Carriage House Incorporated. He also added in the fact that the pay wage was high. I was eager to start my adult life and work full-time, so I took the offer. We will write a custom essay sample on Umass Lowell Community College Academic Scholarship or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The work was hard labor, not really worth the money after all. I would get paid and work so much that didnt have time to enjoy the money had worked for. As the years went by became worn down and bored with the everyday routine. I realized that working there, I would never upgrade. My job would never get better. I also didnt have an option for a raise, which meant something to me. Therefore as prices on necessities and cost of living went up each year, my pay did not. College is the only way to make something better of my life. Am not sure what I want to be yet, but as I continue my with my first semester I am getting a feel for different classes. I just know what dont want to be. I dont want to be somebody who wakes up everyday with a sore back and tired fingers. I dont want life to pass me by and leave me with questions like would of, should of, could of? I am asking u to help me make a difference in my life. Help me to prove that have what it takes to become somebody important in this world. Even if I havent figured out what that is yet. Know can do this, I have what it takes to go far. Please consider me when you think of students for the upcoming semester.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

The History Behind Crayola Crayons

The History Behind Crayola Crayons Crayola brand crayons were the first kids crayons ever made, invented by cousins, Edwin Binney and C. Harold Smith. The brands first box of eight Crayola crayons made its debut in 1903. The crayons were sold for a nickel and the colors were black, brown, blue, red, purple, orange, yellow, and green. The word Crayola was created by Alice Stead Binney (wife of Edwin Binney) who took the French words for chalk (craie) and oily (oleaginous) and combined them. Today, there over one hundred different types of crayons being made by Crayola including crayons that sparkle with glitter, glow in the dark, smell like flowers, change colors, and wash off walls and other surfaces and materials. According to Crayolas History of Crayons Europe was the birthplace of the â€Å"modern† crayon, a man-made cylinder that resembled contemporary sticks. The first such crayons are purported to have consisted of a mixture of charcoal and oil. Later, powdered pigments of various hues replaced the charcoal. It was subsequently discovered that substituting wax for the oil in the mixture made the resulting sticks sturdier and easier to handle. The Birth of Crayola Crayons In 1864, Joseph W. Binney founded the Peekskill Chemical Company in Peekskill, N.Y. This company was responsible for products in the black and red color range, such as lampblack, charcoal and paint containing red iron oxide which was often used to coat the barns dotting Americas rural landscape. Peekskill Chemical was also instrumental in creating an improved and black colored automobile tire by adding carbon black that was found to increase the tire tread life by four or five times. Around 1885, Josephs son, Edwin Binney, and nephew, C. Harold Smith, formed the partnership of Binney Smith. The cousins expanded the companys product line to include shoe polish and printing ink. In 1900, the company purchased a stone mill in Easton, PA, and began producing slate pencils for schools. This started Binney and Smiths research into non-toxic and colorful drawing mediums for kids. They had already invented a new wax crayon used to mark crates and barrels, however, it was loaded with carbon black and too toxic for children. They were confident that the pigment and wax mixing techniques they had developed could be adapted for a variety of safe colors. In 1903, a new brand of crayons with superior working qualities was introduced - Crayola Crayons.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Analysing oedipus Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Analysing oedipus - Essay Example Father, who inflicted ever-lasting injury on the infant and sent him to his death, strangely did not murder him. â€Å"He (Laius) chose exposure rather than outright murder for the same reason the Creon has Antigone entombed alive: so that he would avoid the pollution† (Gould, 1970, p.93). Oedipus when he came to save the people of Thebes from the Sphinx and was victorious, had no idea how the earlier King, Laius looked. Oedipus was a stranger to Thebes and thought that Jocasta’s husband was of his own age or even younger, perhaps due to her youthful appearance and the man he murdered was definitely a much older man. This prompts him to swiftly ask Jocasta the age of the first King. According to the Queen, her first husband ‘had the splendid figure of a nobleman’, not unlike that of Oedipus and this description makes all the difference to Oedipus. The servant, who begged Jocasta to relieve him so that he could go to the village and live there, had already seen Oedipus on the throne and instantaneously recognised the killer of Laius. He was escaping from the new King. But once Oedipus came to know about it, in his characteristically shrewd and bold way, he requests the Queen to call the servant back to the court, so that he could meet him. The complicated relationships in the play are the main theme. Jocasta was Oedipus’ wife, only to be discovered as his mother is the main person of this play, because she was linked with both the father and son and had been wife to both, even though she was unaware of the situation. â€Å"The poet who created him has penetrated so deeply into the permanent elements of the human situation that his creation transcends time,† (Knox, 1957, p.1). In the famous ‘Tragedy of Fate’, Sophocles shows the helplessness of the man pitted against fate. It is a conflict between the all-powerful will of Gods against the vain attempt of humans to fight against that will. â€Å"It may be that we were all destined to direct our

Monday, February 3, 2020

Colonization in Pakistan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Colonization in Pakistan - Essay Example British colonizers got access to the country during the reign of Sikh rulers. However, in 1857, Sepoy Mutiny, an Indian Rebellion, initiated a struggle against the British colonizers. Also Indian National Congress spearheaded several non-violent freedom struggles in early 1900s against the British. Britain could not resist the opposing powers and it ended its rule in Pakistan in 1947. Modern state of the country was, therefore, established on August 14, 1947. The country was then partitioned into five provinces: East Bengal, Balochistan, West Punjab, North-West Frontier Province, and Sindh. The partitioning process, however, led to riots across Pakistan and India (Lieven, 2012). War in Pakistan Pakistan has had four major wars since independence. The first war was the Kashmir war in 1947. The war was triggered when the country gained control of Gilgit-Baltistan and Azad Kashmir. The war involved Pakistan and the neighboring India. The two countries were later involved in war in 1965 and in 1971. The latest war was the Kargil war, which occurred in 1999. Pakistan has also had several skirmishes with its northern border country, Afganistan. Famine in Pakistan Famine in Pakistan is attributed to unevenly distributed rainfall patterns. Famines in the country have caused various devastating effects. Apart from leaving large expanse land derelict, famine in the country also triggered bushfires in various locations. Dereliction processes have not only created food shortages, but have also resulted to death of humans and animals because of hunger. Famines in Pakistan are, therefore, considered as an economic crisis because many resources are spent in mitigating them. Relations with African Countries Pakistan has strong relationships with countries in both Northern and Sub-Saharan Africa. The relationships are evident in the Pakistan embassies in African countries. Also, business relationships between Pakistan and African countries exist. Religion is another area where Pakistan and Arab-related African countries intermingle. In Tunisia, Pakistan supported the country in taking full control of Bizerte. Apart from offering support in various tasks or projects in African countries, Pakistan also helped some African countries during their fight for independence. Pakistan, for instance, supported Algeria during her independence struggle. Relationship between Pakistan and Egypt, Libya, and both Sudan and South Sudan is attributed to similarity in religion. Libya, however, shares similar culture with Pakistan. Pakistan has diplomatic relations and it maintains honorary consulate with various Sub-Saharan African countries. African countries with good relations with Pakistan include: Congo, Botswana, Kenya, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Malawi, Mauritius, Madagascar, Lesotho, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, and Somali among others (Lieven, 2012). Strengths of Pakistan Pakistan has been using its strengths for three main reasons; eradication of poverty, increasing overall gross domestic product of the country, and lowering inflation rate. As strength, location of Pakistan is an advantage to its economy. The country is located at the corridor of major maritime oil supply networks. That is, the country is a major oil producer in Asian countries. Through exploitation of the natural resource, Pakistan has significantly improved its economy. Advanced technology and accessibility to infrastructure is another strength point of the country. Apart from, having modern

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Glycolipids: Function and Structure

Glycolipids: Function and Structure Introduction Marine fungi are saprophytic or heterotrophic form of filamentous spore forming eukaryote microorganisms are extensively lives in the marine or estuarine ecosystem. The characterization and diversity of the marine fungi can be studied by the direct observation of morphological structure and next generation sequencing. Taxonomically characterized marine fungi are belongs to either facultative or obligate forms. Facultative forms are originally sourced from terrestrial or fresh water region but they are able to colonize and adopt with the marine habitat and the obligate are extensively live in marine ecosystem (Kohlmeyer and Kohlmeyer, 1979). The fungi are extensively reported for the several biotechnological applications industrial utilization in enzymes, natural products and agriculture biocontrol etc. The marine fungus are taxonomically distinct (Jones et al., 2009), saline tolerant (Jennings, 1986), special biochemical properties (Damare et al., 2006). Interestingly, the marine fungi have the novelty than the obligate fungi and attracts in applications of omics (Damare et al., 2012). Generally, marine fungi can be isolated from the nutrient rich substrata such as decaying wood (harbour), coral reef (Le Campion- Alsumard et al., 1995), seagrases (Thirunavkkarasu, 2011) and mangrove ecosystem (Saravanakumar et al., 2012) and deep sea soil (Damare, 2007) are enhance distinct diversity of the obligate fungi (Sridhar, 2005). Among the marine substrate, mangrove is an second largest source for the isolation of obligate marine fungi (Ragukumar 2004). However, the biotechnological application of marine fungi differs with the terrestrial fungi due to their environmental adaptations and distributions. Many research focus on biotechnological utilization of natural products, enzymes, biocont rol, bioremediation, fuel conservation, waste management by using the marine fungi. A lot of structurally and pharmaceutically novel metabolites, isolated from marine fungi. However, this article focuses the glycollipids from the marine fungi and their properties, biological functions and applications. Glycolipids are a structurally very heterogenous group of membrane bound compound present in all living prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisams to human cells. The term of â€Å"glycolipid† is a compound contains one or more monosaccharides glycodidically linked in to a lipid (Brandenburg and Holst, 2005). Glycolipids are an essential constituent of cellular membrane and have the remarkable biological functions of cell aggregation or dissociation act as receptor of accepter to provide the contact. Several glycolipids has important role in immune system. Fungal glycolipidomics The glycolipids are interesting group of the compound occurred in cell wall of animals, microbes and plant sources (Pinto et al., 2008). The fungal glycolipids are composed of a sugar units usually glucose and galatose, hydrophobic ceramides, C19 sphingoid, C-9 metyl braches and unsaturated linkages with hydroxyhexadecanoic acids (Pinto et al., 2008). Glycoconjugates in fugal cell wall Glycoconjugates are composed of glycoprotins, peptides, glucons, polysaccharides, phosphoric acid, phospholipids, nitrogen and glycolipid molecules and found in the cell wall. Among the defining characteristics of fungal is cell wall complex architecture. Fungal cell walls are substantially thicker than bacterial cell walls and normally make up 10-30% of the biomass. They are freely permissible to small molecules and solute transport system and signalling receptors remains in cell membrane. A different cell wall found in the fungi comparing to animals and the role of these walls includes osmotic support, selective permeability and interaction with environment (Conzalexz et al., 2009). Fungal walls consist of covalently cross linked polysaccharides of ÃŽ ²-glycans and Chitin and several polysaccharides are covalently cross linked through glycosidic bonds (Pinto et al., 2008). Fungal glycolipids exterior Generally, the glycolipid molecules are found in cell membrane of all eukaryotic cell membranes, are contain the sugar called as glycolipids besides biologically produced biosurfactants are called as glycolipids. However, all type of glycolipids are biosurfactants but not all the biosurfactants are glycolipids (Mukherjee et al., 2006; Khopade et al., 2012). Simplest glycolipids contain the one or more sugars (Fig.) and complex glycolipids such as gangliosides contain a branch chain with several sugars. Cell membranes of the fungi have the many types membrane and are assembled from four compounds such as (i) phospholipids molecules, (ii) transmembrane proteins, (iii) inerter protein network, and (iv) cell surface markers are not identical. The glycolipids are formed in the cell wall of fungi by glycosylation in endoplasimic reticulam (ER) membrane sections and transfer the Golgi complex followed by plasma membrane (Fig). These add the sugar molecules chain to lipids called the sugar c oating lipids that extents the outside of fungal cells and differences were identified in glycolipids among fungal species and used as cell surface layer or marker besides glycolipids are also compound of the fatty acids contain carbohydrates, and nitrogen not phosphoric acids includes the certain compounds of the gangliosides, sulfolipids and salfatids (Pinto et al., 2008). The glycolipids are a marker for the cell identification of cell surface changes and are serving as fundamental building blocks of fungi, energy molecule or store, component of membrane constituents, signal molecule to interact the environmental compounds in through outer matrix, lectins, growth factor, and a potential factor of pathogenesis and immune responses (Hakomori, 1990; Springer and Lasky, 1991; Pinto et al., 2008). Moreover, the detail mechanism of role and properties of the glycolipids in fungus remain unclear. Marine fungal glycolipids Research on glycolipids from the marine resources has expanded the due attention due to its potential novelty in biotechnological applications. Muralidhar et al., (2003) have been reviewed the glycolipids from the marine resources such as algae (Lo et al., 2001), microorganisms: bacteria (Batrakov et al., 1998), fungi (Abraham et al., 1994), yeasts (Zinjarde and pant, 2002), actionbacteria (Kokare et al., 2007), sponges (pettit et al., 1999), gorgonians (Shin and Seo, 1995), sea anemones (Sugita et al., 1994), bryozoans (Ojika et al., 1997), tunicates (Loukaci et al., 2000), marine annelid (Noda et al., 1992), star fish (Sugiyama et al., 1988), sea cucumber (Higuchi et al., 1994), sea urchin (Babu et al., 1997) crinoids (Arao et al., 1999), molluscs (Yamaguchi et al., 1992), and marine crab (Asai et al., 2000). In terrestrial Fungus, in general yeasts have glycolipids as major constituents and are not the major compound in more fungal species. However, a high Glycolipids content of 11-16% of total lipids in Blastocladiella emersonii, the major compound of glycollipid is GalDAG and Gal2DAG (Mills and Cantino, 1974). The 61- 48 % of glycolipids is found in mycelia of Macrophomina phaseoline and the lower in the sclerotia (14-62%). However the glycolipids concentrations varied according the constituents of fermentation medium. The major compound of the fungal glycolipids identified as GalDAG and Gal2DAG based structural characterization. Further the major glycolipids of fungi is glycosphingolipids and D- glucosylceramides (Weete, 1980). Galactocerebrosides has been found in fungal species, of Aspergillus miger, C.utilis and S. cerevisae (Wagner and Zofcsik, 1969). Besides the fungal species Fusarium lini, Phycomycetes blakesleeanus and mushrooms are known to produce the glycolipids (Weiss et a l., 1973). Subsequently, the glycolipids are widely studied from Torulaspora delbruecki , Saccharomyes cerevisae, Candida glabrata, Kluyveromyes yarrowii, F. pedrosoi and K. polyporus (Saito et al., 2006 ; Pinto et al., 2008). The long chain sphingadinene has been first reported from Aspergillus oryzae (Fujino and Ohishi, 1976) and subsequently from Schizophyllum commune (Ballio et al., 1979), Fusicoccum amygdale (Ballio et al., 1979)), Clitocybe geotrope and Aspergillus fumigatus (Villas Boss et al., 1994), C. nebularis (Fodegel et al., 1986), A. niger(levery et al., 2000), A. versicolor (Walenkamp et al., 1999), Candida albicans (Matsubara et al., 1987), Acremonium chrysogenum (Sakaki et al., 2001), Cryptococcus neoformans (Rodrigues et al., 2000), Colletotrichum gloeosporioides ( de Silva et al., 2004), Fonsecaea pedrosoi (Nimrichter et al., 2005), Hansenula anomala (Ng et al., 1977), Fusarium sp. (Duarte et al., 1998), Histoplasma capulatum (Toledo et al., 2001), Kluyeromyces wa ltii (Takakuwa et al., 2002), paracoccidioides brasiliensis (Takahahi et al., 1996), Magnaporthe grisea (Koga et al., 2006), Pichia pastoris (Sakaki et al., 2001), Saccharomyces klyuyveri (Takakuwa et al., 2002), Pseudallescheria boydii (Pinto et al., 2002), Termitomyces albuminosus (Qi et al., 2002) Sporothrix schenkii (Toledo et al., 2001). In marine fungi, very few studies are available on glycolipids of marine fungi (Table.1); the marine white rot marine fungi Nia vibrissae is producer of glycolipids with inhibitory activity, the binding of endotoxin Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) to human endotoxin receptor (Helmholz et al., 1999). Marine fungi Gliocladium roseum KF-1040 is a producer of Roselipins can inhibit the enzyme diacylglycerol acyl transferase (Omura et al., 1999; Tomada et al., 1999; Tabata et al., 1999). Glycolipids derived from marine yeasts Calyptogena soyoae, Yarrowia lipolytica are effective on degradation of hydrocarbon (Zinjarde and pant, 2002; Konishi et al., 2010). Glycolipids synthesised form filamentous endosymbiotic Aspergillus ustus has the significant antimicrobial activity (Kiran et al., 2009). Several marine fungus such as Penicillum sp. F23-2 (Sun et al., 2009), Linincola laevis (Abraham et al., 1994), Fusarium sp (Li et al., 2002) and Microsphaeropsis olivacea (Keugen et al., 1996) are significa ntly produced the glycolipids with unknown application.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

I’m Nobody Essay

â€Å"I’m Nobody! Who are You? † is a poem written by Emily Dickinson. The poem conveys the main idea of being alone, isolated from the society – or being â€Å"nobody†. This is partly influenced by the social gender status of Dickinson’s time – 19th century featured the inequality of sexes, where females were expected to stay at home and serve their husbands, thus disconnected from the society. As a result Dickinson had adapted and perhaps taken pleasure into being an outsider, whilst she found it boring to be part of the society – or to be a â€Å"somebody†. These are all various ideas reflected through Emily Dickinson’s poem. The poem has 2 stanzas – very typical of Emily Dickinson’s style. Her choice of language in this poem is also very simple and succinct – but at the same time meaningful and pithy. The first line, â€Å"I’m nobody! †, shows how Dickinson admits to be a â€Å"nobody† willingly. Being a â€Å"nobody† can mean an outsider – a person who is isolated, alienated from the rest of the world and society. The second phrase of the line – â€Å"Who are you? † shows that the poem is directly written to a target. This person – shown on the second line of the first stanza, is a â€Å"nobody† too – perhaps even a friend of Dickinson. The poet also realizes the fact that being a â€Å"nobody† is to be loathed by the society. This is shown in line 3, when she advises the other â€Å"nobody† not to tell, as she states in line 4 â€Å"They’d banish us†. The word â€Å"They† in the beginning of lines 3 and 4 suggests the rest of the society – people who are â€Å"somebody†, as opposed to Dickinson’s â€Å"nobody’. The use of dash in line 3 shows the furtiveness of the phrase â€Å"don’t tell! †, emphasizing the hatred or dislike they face from the society. The same effect is achieved by the use of exclamation mark in line 3. Lines 3 and 4 can also be interpreted as that after she finds another â€Å"nobody†, they are a pair – not longer belong to a group of â€Å"nobodies†. She does not want to be banished from the status of being â€Å"nobodies†. A conclusion can be drawn that she feels more secure to be a â€Å"nobody†; she feels comfortable to be treated as a â€Å"nobody† by the rest of the society. The second stanza sees a noticeable change in Dickinson’s tone. The repetitions of â€Å"How† and â€Å"To† in the beginning of each line give a more secure and commanding tone. This can be explained by the â€Å"discovery† of another â€Å"nobody† stated by the poet in the first stanza – she feels more assured that to be a â€Å"nobody† is not too unacceptable as she is not the only one. Also perhaps because she feels more secure to be with a person who feels the same as she does and understands her, she is more willing and daring to express her more inner feelings. The poet states that it is â€Å"dreary to be somebody† in line 5 of the second stanza. â€Å"Dreary† refers to being boring or dull; and â€Å"to be somebody† suggests to be recognized by the society and belong to it. Hence Dickinson is suggesting that to be part of a society is tedious and meaningless to her, which can also implies being a â€Å"nobody† is the contrary – interesting and meaningful. A further implication may be that being â€Å"nobody† allows her to write poetry – as it is not part of the â€Å"traditional role† of women at her time to write poetry, and instead women were expected to serve only their husbands. However, being a â€Å"nobody† in the society helps her to escape her role of being a â€Å"women†, granting her freedom instead. Hence we can see that poetry is meaningful to her. She also compares that to be â€Å"somebody† is like to be â€Å"public†, another indication that Dickinson likes isolation – which is proven correctly as one would learn that she locked herself in her house for the majority of her life. Dickinson uses a simile to compare â€Å"somebody† to a â€Å"frog† in line 6. This can be explained by the fact that â€Å"frogs† are considered noisy with the sound they generate. Combining with line 8, â€Å"To an admiring bog! †, it suggests the idea that frogs create noise to be noticed – but only by â€Å"an admiring bog†. A bog is the environment in which a frog dwells – this creates an irony. Emily Dickinson is suggesting that although being a â€Å"somebody† means being noticed by the public, but the public to â€Å"somebody† is like a bog to a frog – it is not really a relationship, or friendship, as no one would say that a bog is the friend of a frog. Also the word â€Å"admiring† creates a whole sense of sarcasm to the idea – and the technique of personification is used to describe the â€Å"bog† as well, perhaps to emphasize the sarcasm of the simile. Overall the poet suggests that to be â€Å"somebody† might mean to be well-known, accepted by the society; however the relationships are often shallow, distanced or impersonal. The rhyming of the words â€Å"frog† and â€Å"bog† also suggests a congenial relationship between â€Å"Somebody† and her targeted audience – conveying the idea that the poem is a direct criticism against the â€Å"somebody† – the general public. Through the use of contrast and irony between â€Å"Nobody† and â€Å"Somebody†, her strong will to be a â€Å"nobody† is shown, as well as her despise towards â€Å"somebody†. This poem reflects Emily Dickinson’s life and perhaps her more inner and cryptic feelings – it was probably written from the heart. She imprisoned herself for the most of her life, completely isolated from the rest of the world. This may contribute to the reason why she thinks being an â€Å"outsider† is better than being â€Å"somebody†, and that she does not value â€Å"friendship† in the same way as normal people do. However at the same time it was also proven in the poem – for instance she found another â€Å"nobody† in the first stanza – that she is not totally a recluse, and that she treasures the very few friendships she had.

Friday, January 10, 2020

What Everyone Else Does When It Comes to Best Essays and What You Should Do Different

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